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The Experience

It's always better when you know what to expect.

relaxed woman investing in self care with cosmetic brow tattoo appointment etobicoke.webp

The Beginning

How exciting! Once you’ve booked your appointment, keep an eye out for a special welcome email from me within 24 hours. It’ll have all the prep information, consent forms, and a special appointment preference form just for you. This helps me make sure your appointment is just right for you. Don’t worry, I’ll personally check over everything to ensure you get the top-notch service you deserve.

Upon Arrival

Upon your arrival, I’ll be right there to greet you out front with a friendly smile, ready to start our journey together.

The Consultation

Your journey to perfect brows kicks off with a relaxed yet detailed consultation. I’m all about getting to know exactly what you want and crafting a plan that’s just for you. We might even play around with a mock-up of your new brows to give you a taste of the shape and style. After all, its one thing to see pictures of brows in my portfolio, another to see how it is translated to your face.

The Brow Shaping

We’ll dive into precise brow mapping, taking your unique features and bone structure into account to create brows that are a perfect fit. Your thoughts and ideas are super important here – we’re going for timeless, authentic beauty, brows you feel comfortable in.

The Colour Selection

Choosing the right color is a big deal, and that’s where my color theory expertise comes in. I’ll analyze your skin and natural brow color to mix up a shade that’s just right for you, ensuring beautiful results that heal smoothly.

The Procedure

Your session is your time – chat or relax, it’s up to you. I will provide you with a nice comfy blanket.  Whether we’re working on hairstrokes or shading, comfort is key. My clients say it feels like a scratch you are itching, and I use numbing agents to keep it that way. Don’t be surprised if you find it so relaxing you nod off!

The Reveal

And then, the moment you’ve been waiting for – the big reveal. Get ready to fall in love with your new brows, waking up every day to effortless beauty. It’s a real confidence booster! Warning, the drive home can be dangerous with all your admiring glances in the rearview mirror. 

The Goodbye

To top it off, I’ve got a custom aftercare kit with everything you need for a smooth healing process. We’ll chat about what to expect and pencil in your Perfecting Session for 8 to 12 weeks later. Clear, thorough communication is my jam – I want you to feel clued in and confident every step of the way.

Can’t wait to start this brow journey with you!

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